Sturgess Energy and Water Resource Management
All of our premises consist broadly of offce space, showrooms and workshops and are under constant review for states of repair and maintenance, and to esablish what impacts they might have on the environment at any given time. All consequential improvements ensure thermal capabilities of all premises.
We work on a principal of "what gets monitored can be managed"
Therefore we have in operation:
- An intelligent automatic meter reading systems is installed at all of our sites which has show to substanstially reduce consumption.
- Following successful installation of a 140 kWp solar panel system at one of our sites, we have seensite energy consumption substantially reduce. This has been measured as 87% energy generation has been used by the business and 13% has been retuned to the Grid. In addition, the environmental benefits are indicated as being equivalent to 67.89 trees and 122.17t CO2 emissions saved (valid Feb 2024).
- Energy efficient lighting and ECA lighting is now installed across all sites and this has shown to reduce our overall energy consumption.
- Energy saving bulbs and long life bulbs are used wherever it is not possible to replace with ECA lighting.Plug in timer sockets on all suitable electrical equipment are used where appropriate and motion sensing power sources are also used.
- We continue with a programme of improvement of all premises heating and ventilation systems. These are to the latest ECA compliant systems.
- All computer equipment is set to maximise on the power saving settings available
- A water treatment and wash water reclamation system is installed at our logistics centre in order make effective use of water. This conserves resources by treating and purifying used water for environmentally responsible reuse.
- High pressure water and steam cleaners are used for their more efficient use of mains water for cleaning purposes
- Trigger operated hoses are also in use to prevent wasted water
- All toilets have a dual flush system, and urinals use a motion sensor to control the frequency of urinal flushing only triggering when movement is sensed.
- Water usage in kitchen areas are minimused with dishwashers installed in high traffic areas.