With an Advance Payment Plan (APP) you pay one single amount to access your chosen vehicle and defer the remaining cost until the end of the agreement.
APP may be right for you if you want the option to choose what happens to your vehicle at the end of the agreement. APP should also be considered if you want to drive a higher-priced model, as the plan gives you more spending power.
GMFV is the estimated value of the vehicle you choose once the APP agreement ends. This is calculated based on the model, the length of the plan and expected mileage. A higher GMFV will reduce your advance payment, but will mean a larger fee at the end of the contract. A low GMFV means a lower final payment but a higher initial cost.
The GMFV cannot change, so you are protected from any sharp drop in vehicle prices.
Your upfront payment is calculated by subtracting the GMFV from the total vehicle price before total interest is added.
Your final payment is calculated by adding the GMFV to the option to purchase fee.
If you think APP is right for you, or if you would like to find out more, please enquire with the team at your nearest Sturgess dealership in Leicester.