Sturgess Stamped Car Servicing

Additional Services

Marketing Preferences

We would like to stay in touch with you to keep up to date with our latest product news, marketing services and offers. If you would like to opt out of receiving future information by any of the methods below please indicate by selecting the relevant option. All of the information provided will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be accessed here

Privacy & Terms

Sturgess Motor Group take your data privacy very seriously and as such we have a Data Privacy Notice that details how we use, store, retain and share your data. This is available to view on our website Privacy Statement but in summary, we only use your data to administer your account and to provide you with the product and services that you have requested from us.

We may contact you in the future as advised by our manufacturers and our other nominated partner suppliers to ensure the ongoing safety and care of your vehicle. This also ensures that any policies are maintained, and where consent is provided, includes the replacement of your vehicle and car care related products.

We would also love to keep you informed on offers, events and news that may be relevant to you.

To Book Your Service, MOT or Repair, Call:
Abarth: 0116 366 0136 Alfa Romeo 0116 416 1136 Fiat: 0116 366 0192
Hyundai, Aylestone Road: 0116 366 0095 Hyundai, Anstey: 0116 366 0089 Jaguar: 0116 366 0195
Jeep: 0116 402 9140 Land Rover: 0116 416 1084 Suzuki: 0116 366 0240
Volvo: 0116 366 0200